Dietary cure to increase sperm count

Is there anything you can drink/eat that will increase your sperm count?

Remedies to increase sperm count

There is a lot that you can do to improve the quality of your semen, and this includes eating and drinking certain things, as well as abstaining from certain foods and drinks. However, most of these are standard dietary recommendations that contribute to your good health, which certainly influences the health of your sperm. There is no real correlation between any particular substance and semen quality. (The sperm count, incidentally, is only one factor in semen quality. Other factors include motility, pH value, and volume.)

Factors that influence semen quality include heat, drugs and chemicals, stress, periods of abstinence, and diet. As far as your diet is concerned, simply eat healthy - ensure that you get enough nourishment without piling on the fat and calories. Stress of course should be avoided, along with tobacco and excesses of alcohol. Some drugs, both medicinal and recreational, can also damage sperm quality. Regarding periods of abstinence, both too much and too little are harmful. Too frequent ejaculation can bring down the sperm count, while abstinence for longer than ten days seems to do the same. Heat also affects semen, so avoid wearing clothes that are too tight and spending too much time in a hot water bath.

answered by G R

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