Treatment for varicocele

The valves which are present in the veins that supply blood to the scrotum when fail to regulate the blood flow as a result the blood flows in an opposite direction and gathers in the veins. These veins in the scrotum then stretches, gets bigger and swollen. This condition is known as varicocele. Varicocele is commonly occurs in men of age 15-25 years. A varicocele may affect male fertility by affecting the sperm count and motility, but not all the varicocele affects sperm production. Treatment for varicocele is not necessary unless it affects your fertility, or it causes pain then the repair is required. Surgical treatment includes open surgery, laparoscopic surgery or percutaneous embolization.

Avoid too much of physical stress, lie on your back and relax. This will help to decrease the pain. To support the testicles/scrotum and decrease pressure wear an athletic supporter. It is wise to consult a specialist for a routine physical exam to rule out the complications like small testis and infertility.

answered by Dr S

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