how do I get rid of jock itch problem

  • Maintain appropriate personal hygiene. Wash the area with the infection well with soap and warm water and then pat the area dry, as a moist environment is more favorable for the infection to grow.
  • To prevent the moisture to gather use baby powder in the groin region. Also wear soft washed comfortable cotton inners, as cotton will help to absorb the moisture and prevent any irritation in the groin region.
  • Lose some weight if you are overweight to avoid skin to skin contact and thus jock itch.
  • Apply tea tree oil over the infection; the anti fungal properties in tea tree oil will help to get rid of jock itch.
  • Listerine mouthwash also when applied on the fungal infection helps to cure it. Consult a specialist for any anti fungal creams which will help in speedy recovery.

For more information and home remedies on jock itch you can read the article.

answered by Dr S

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