Hi, I am having receding gum lines. Is periodontitis the cause of receding gum lines? Please advise any treatment.

Natural Cures for Receding Gum Line

A receding gum line indicates a major deficiency in the absorption of vitamin C. Individuals who have lowered intakes of vitamin C in their foods are likely to develop gum related disorders and have greater chances of contracting periodontal disease. Vitamin C is known to aid the recovery of those who suffer from gum disease as Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and is one of the repairing blocks needed by the body to correct issues regarding connective tissue. It is also useful in developing bone re-formation. To increase consumption of vitamin C, have foods that are abundant in vitamin C. These include lemons, oranges, strawberries, grapefruits, mangoes, papayas, and cantaloupe. Vegetables which have a good supply of vitamin C such as broccoli and brussels sprouts are also beneficial. Vitamin C can also be taken in supplement form, however take care not to consume the chewable variety as these may lead to tooth erosion.

Lookout for stuck food between your teeth or below your gums, these are the main culprits in causing tooth decay and subsequent gum problems. Most dental problems are also related to stress in daily life and lack of sleep. Lack of resistance and lowered immunity are some of the problems that arise when people suffer from erratic sleep patterns or lack of sleep.

answered by C B

Receding gum lines are usually caused by gum diseases like periodontitis and also by improper brushing. The condition occurs when the bones and gum in the oral cavity moves away from the tooth. The most common cause is the presence of toxin-producing bacteria in the body. The bacteria infect the bone surrounding the gum, which in turn results in receding of gums.

Receding gum lines can affect people of almost all ages and is mostly an indication of poor dental hygiene and possible oral diseases. In case of receding gum lines, you should always consult a dentist and determine the root cause before starting any treatment. If not treated on time, it can result in major oral heath issues. The first step to cure the gum problem is to maintain high hygiene levels by brushing and flossing the teeth properly. Choose a soft toothbrush to avoid enamel abrasion and gum recession. Avoid smoking, chewing hard candies or tobacco, and oral piercing. These are also known to cause gum receding.

It is not easy to recognize receding gums as this condition is not accompanied by pain in most cases. Therefore, regular dental checkups are almost essential to maintain good oral health.

answered by G R

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