Weight Gain Remedies: i m 20 years old. my height is 5'6

Every individual has to maintain a certain amount of weight based on their height and age. The body mass index or BMI is a statistical tool that helps us in determining what a person's ideal weight should be in relation to their age and height. If an individuals BMI is less than 20, he or she is considered to be under-weight, anything between the range of 20-25 is considered to be adequate and the person is deemed to be healthy. An individual's, whose BMI reads over 25 is overweight while anything above 35 is regarded as obese. Based on your statistics your BMI reads at 14.6, this primarily indicates that you are underweight and hence need to add a minimum of ten kilograms or 22 pounds, to be in the normal range. Being underweight can make you susceptible to a lot of illnesses and diseases as your immune system will be weak. Thus it is crucial for you to gain weight.

Here are a few home remedies that can help you gain weight. Muskmelon is considered to be excellent for putting on weight. As per this treatment you will be required to eat muskmelons 3 times a day for a period of 45 days. Initially you will need to start off with three kilograms of the fruit, which will have to be consumed daily for three days, after which the quantity has to be gradually increased by a kilogram every day till it is enough to satiate your hunger. This treatment if performed in a consistent manner is bound to show positive results in a month or two.

Another remedy that is considered to be equally effective is by eating mangoes. This method of treatment requires sweet and ripe mangoes to be selected. The fruit has to be eaten 3 times a day, once in the morning, once at noon and the finally once at night before going to bed. The first two times (morning and noon), 2 mangoes have to be consumed followed by a glass of milk. Milk is also an essential part of this treatment. The mango fruit is a very good source of sugar, but it is deficient in protein, while milk contains plenty of protein but is deficient in sugar. Hence the two in combination make up for each others deficiencies. This remedy if followed for a month will help in improving your health, while also helping you in gaining healthy weight.

answered by G M

Home remedies for gaining weight

  • Soak 6 dried figs in water at night and eat 3 of them in the morning and 3 in the evening regularly. Figs have a high proportion of digestible sugar and fattening properties.
  • You can eat 30 gms of raisins directly daily or boil a handful of them in milk. Take out the swollen raisins, eat them and follow it by drinking the boiled and cooled milk.
  • Go on a milk diet and drink 1 glass of milk every hour for 12 hours for 5 days. But before this you will have to fast for 2 days on lime juice and water. Follow this milk diet by eating other milk items like ice cream, milkshakes of fruits like banana or strawberries, butter, clarified butter and cheese.
  • Drink mango milkshake early in the morning before your breakfast. You can also eat 2 or 3 ripe mangoes and drink 1 glass of milk 3 times a day for at least 3 to 4 days.
  • Eat bananas and muskmelon and Drink 1 glass of milk twice everyday. You can eat 2 to 3 bananas for breakfast and supper.
  • Eat 2 boiled, peeled and sliced potatoes with your breakfast. You can also fry them lightly in butter or clarified butter and have it as a snack.

answered by D D

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