what is a cure for jock itch

Jock itch is the occurrence of red circular rashes in the buttocks, groin, genitals and thighs. The culprit behind this infection is Trichophyton rubrum, a fungus. Individuals with excessive perspiration and weight are more vulnerable to this infection. Jock itch is relieved by topical application of an anti fungal ointment. Spicy and acidic foods are better avoided. Loose fitting cotton undergarments are recommended. Tea tree oil and witch hazel are natural remedies. Garlic oil possesses fungistatic properties. Oregano oil applied on the area is helpful. Avoid strongly perfumed soaps. Changing the undergarments regularly helps. Also referred to as Tinea cruris, jock itch is accompanied by severe itching with a burning sensation. The infection spreads in a circular fashion. Poultices of lavender, peppermint or oregano are applied topically. Oils of jasmine and cedarwood prove beneficial against the itch. Grape fruit seed extract is also an equally effective remedy for jock itch. Another typical cause is the reaction of the chemicals in the clothing. Applying the juice of a lemon is also effective. Excessive perspiration calls for immediate bath or application of medicated powder.

Read our article entitled 'Jock itch', for knowledge on symptoms, causes and remedies.

answered by Dr C

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