Strong hair treatment

how to have long and strong hair

To promote hair growth and have long hair follow these simple home remedies -

  1. Lightly massage lavender oil on the scalp with the tip of your fingers. Then wrap a hot towel around the head and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash it with a mild shampoo which suits your hair type.
  2. You can also apply lavender oil 3-4 times a week at night and wash next day morning. Lavender oil has been proved to promote hair growth significantly.
  3. Apply fresh amaranth juice on the scalp to promote hair growth and keep your hair soft and strong.
  4. Avoid using any harsh chemicals, straightening or curling products, ironing or blow drying as all these methods degrade the quality of hair to a greater extent. Also avoid any kind of stress especially emotional stress.
  5. A balance diet including different nuts, seeds, whole grains, sprouts, legumes, milk and milk products and fresh fruits and vegetables also plays an important role in maintaining hair health.

For more information you can also visit the following link -

answered by Dr S

Warning: does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. see additional information
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