what can be used to remove chicken pox marks?

Chickenpox scars fades with time. Besides try the following remedies to help fade them sooner -

  • Apply sandalwood oil on the scars regularly till they fade.
  • Apply a thin layer of honey over the marks and leave it for 20 minutes. This is a good remedy to lighten the scars.
  • Apply aloe vera gel or vitamin E oil on the marks regularly to lighten them.
  • Include vitamin A in the diet in the form of papaya, mangoes, spinach, and yellow pumpkin. Vitamin A helps resist infection and is also an essential nutrient for skin.
  • To boost your immune system include vitamin C in the form of guava, orange, lime and sprouts. It will also help to fight viral infection and fasten the healing of the skin.
  • Take adequate rest, avoid scratching the scars and minimize your stress levels.
  • Keep yourself well hydrated by drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water per day.

answered by Dr S

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