how do you get rid of cramps?

Menstruation is an integral and one of the four phases of a female’s reproductive cycle. In the menstrual phase, the reproductive system sheds the unused ovum or egg cell along with the endometrial lining formed to support the zygote in case fertilization had happened. The phase is marked by vaginal bleeding and shedding of the ovum. This phase is accompanied by various hormonal alterations in the body, leading to noticeable changes in the body. Prior to menstruation is the pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) which is marked by pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, bloating, pain in lower abdomen, and weight gain. The onset of menstruation is marked by similar symptoms and sometimes, severe cramps. Painful menstrual cramps in teenagers are common.

When the periods are painful, it is referred to as dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea is of two types or degrees, namely, primary and secondary. Primary dysmenorrhea is characterized by cramps and secondary dysmenorrhea involves cramps as well as back pain. One of the main painful menstrual cramps causes is contraction of uterine muscles. The lining of uterus secretes chemicals called prostaglandins, which if secreted in higher amounts, can aggravate the pain. Cramps can lead to serious discomfort and disrupt normal life. As such, all teenagers would want to get rid of cramps. There are various menstrual cramps remedies that can help ameliorate and relieve the condition. However, suitability of remedies is subject to physiology of the body.

As such, teenagers might wonder how to get rid of cramps during their periods. Some of the natural remedies for menstrual cramps are listed as under:

  • Ginger root can be employed for menstrual pain cramps. You can prepare ginger root tea by boiling ginger root in water, sieving it and adding pure honey for taste to relieve painful menstrual cramps.
  • One of the effective menstrual cramps relief home remedies is to consume chamomile tea. This menstrual cramps relief tea can be prepared by boiling chamomile flowers in water and adding sugar or honey for taste.
  • Another menstrual cramps relief natural remedy is making use of heating pads. Heating pads helps lower the frequency and intensity of uterine contractions, thereby providing relief from painful menstrual cramps.
  • Another effective remedy to relieve painful menstrual cramps and vomiting is to consume tea with peppermint or wintergreen green leaves.
  • Yoga is an exercise which sooths both body and mind and can be used to alleviate painful menstrual cramps. As such, yoga for menstrual cramps relief involves stretching, which helps relieve the pain.
  • One of the effective remedies is to consume hot liquids including tea, coffee, and other such liquids. It is recommended not to consume cold drinks like milkshakes during menstruation.
  • Parsley juice, mixed with carrot juice, also helps relieve cramps during menstruation.
  • Another effective remedy to relieve cramps is to consume an infusion of ginger in boiling water. It is recommended to consume this infusion three times a day after meals.
  • Basil is another useful component that can be used to relieve cramps. It can either be used as a condiment in culinary preparations or used to prepare tea.
  • One of the effective natural remedies for menstrual cramps and bloating is to consume cinnamon. It is be used as an ingredient in food or sprinkled on salad.

Other than these remedies, there are various other measures that when coupled with these remedies help ameliorate the pain. Following a regular exercise and work out regime helps easy contraction of the uterus during menstruation, thereby reducing the intensity of pain. One must consume a balanced and regulated diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, ample amount of water, reduced content of carbohydrates, starch and fats, and higher content of proteins.

Also, if the pain persists throughout the menstrual phase and these remedies do not help, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

answered by G M

  1. Drink at least 2 glasses of water every hour for the whole day. Even at night before going to bed have 3-4 glasses of water.
  2. Do proper stretching of all the body parts. Stretch the limbs and do deep slow breathing for abdominal cramps.
  3. Take a cotton towel soaked in cold water and put on the cramped area for 10 minutes.
  4. Take a homeopathic remedy called Colocynthis 30, 5 pills, for abdominal cramps or menstrual cramps. For calf muscle cramps its better to take a homeopathic remedy called Rhus tox 30 or cuprum met 30 5 pills 2 times daily for 15 days.

answered by D M K

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