Viral infection treatment

My child is constantly sick with a viral infection.She is sick so much that for a few months now she hasn't been able to get her immunizations.How can I build up her immune system so she will be better able to fight these infections?

A healthy and strong immune system is required to fight viral infections and keep your child healthy. Try the following home remedies and tips, these may help to combat your child's viral infection.

  • Practice optimal personal hygiene as kids are too prone to germ infections and this might worsen your daughter's viral infection. Before handling her wash your hands thoroughly, give her clean, washed food and boiled water.
  • If she is allergic to any particular food then keep a check of the food which you give her and avoid that food for some time (till her immune system builds back).
  • Avoid giving her simple sugars, try incorporating fresh fruits in mashed form or in juice form. A chicken broth is a wise option if she tolerates non-vegetarian food (the protein in chicken would help build the immune system). Other vegetable juices, vegetable soups and fruit juices would also work wonders.
  • If she has congestion in the night a warm shower and humidifier in the room while sleeping would help a lot.

Consult a specialist if she keeps too ill or if the fever rises abnormally (and stays for more than 3 days).

answered by Dr S

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