what can you use for an ingrown toe nail with a sore toe

An ingrown toe nail can be a result of improper nail hygiene or nail cutting which can lead to sore toe or pus formation, stumping your foot on a stone or wall, or by accidently dropping heavy objects while working.

Get rid of an ingrown toe nail with few home remedies -

  • Once you remove the dead skin (which inhibits the growth of the nail) around the ingrown toe nail things would get easier. To do so soften the toe nail by soaking your foot in lukewarm water with a tsp salt for 10-15 minutes. A soft skin would be easy to clean. Carefully remove the dead skin with the help of a nail filer and apply a moisturizer to soften the skin further. Do this on regular basis ever 2-3 days.
  • As the nail starts growing do not shape it pointed, always cut them straight and never cut the toe nails too short.
  • Avoid putting any pressure on the sore toe by wearing pointed or tight shoes or socks. Choose shoes and sandals that are open from the fingers of your toe.
  • Drain the pus out manually (if any) and keep the toe nail area clean and dry to avoid Toe nail Fungus in your foot.

answered by Dr S

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