Are tomatoes ok for gall bladder

Ripe tomatoes are one of the listed helpful foods in a gall bladder diet. There is no reason to avoid tomatoes in a gall bladder diet. However the focus should be basically on a low-fat diet, as bile is secreted in compromised amounts from the gallbladder which is required to digest fat. This kind of diet will promote adequate rest for your gall bladder which is necessary. Remember the following points.

  • Lose weight gradually if you are above your ideal body weight.
  • Over eating is especially a no-no for a gall bladder diet, also avoid eating when under stress.
  • Include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet. Emphasize on fresh foods and completely avid processed and packed foods.
  • Avoid red meat, organ meats, refined carbohydrates, egg yolk, animal fat, carbonated beverages, pickles, oily, fried or greasy food, alcohol, coffee and sugar as far as possible.
  • To enhance bile flows add ginger and turmeric liberally to the diet while cooking.

Read more about: Gall Bladder Symptoms

answered by Dr S

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