Untreated Toenail Fungus Side Effects

side effects of toe fungus if left untreated

Aqueous extract of olive leaf proves beneficial. Soaking the affected area in listerine is an effective remedy. Margosa powder and tea tree oil have fungistatic and bacteriostatic properties. Regular washing of your feet is essential. Foot hygiene with clean and short nails is of great help. Onychomycosis or Toe nail Fungus as the name indicates, is caused by a fungus. Discoloration and thickening of the toes are predominant symptoms. It is harmful and painful. The big toe and the small toe are commonly affected. A category of fungus referred to as dermatophytes are the culprits behind a toe nail fungus infection.

Access to this disease is simplified by decreased immune levels, moist conditions, dirt accumulation in the nails, moisture in the feet and thickening of the nails. Soaking the feet in cider vinegar for 20 minutes, helps in faster healing. An effective home remedy is the application of an equal mixture of lavender oil and tea tree oil.

answered by Dr C

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