Garlic to cure dog fleas

There are several home remedies available to get rid of fleas, ticks, mites and other such insects that may infest the dog. Garlic is also one of them. Garlic is very high in sulfur content and this is a natural repellent for all kinds of parasites. When treated to heavy doses of sulfur, parasites tend to leave the host body and find refuge elsewhere. An excellent way to administer this particular kind of treatment to the dog is to rub it down with garlic oil. This will make the offending insects drop off almost immediately. It is important for you to note that the dog will also smell strongly.

For better and long term solutions, you can also make the dog swallow a clove of garlic with warm water at least once a day. This should help repel all parasites and leave the dog's coat healthier. Another simple home remedy is to rub lime juice all over the coat of your dog. This should also kill fleas and ticks. Another highly effective natural remedy is to add a few drops of tea tree oil to the regular shampoo your dog is using. Shampoo with this and you will actually see dead ticks and fleas floating away in bath water.

answered by M W

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