How to get rid of facial marks?

Facial marks, acne scars, or blemishes are quite an unpleasant problem, not just because they spoil one's beauty but also because they are indicative of the sufferer's internal health problems. Facial marks are caused by acne and pimples and in some cases when the quantity of melanin increases in some parts of the skin, making it hyper pigmented. Usually climactic, hormonal and dietary changes cause hyper pigmentation and in some cases side effects of medication are also responsible. But these blemishes can be fixed at home without having to opt for synthetic cosmetics, which may actually end up harming the skin even more. Using natural methods is a much safer option as some cosmetic products contain harsh chemicals that could cause a reaction, worsening your skin condition. These remedies have a twofold effect: one, they gently remove the damaged layer of the skin and secondly the foods responsible for collagen and moisture building enable the skin to repair itself rapidly.

One of the easiest ways is to dab lemon juice on the affected skin. Dip a clean cotton swab in the juice and apply it on the acne scars and leave it on for 20 minutes before washing it off. But before doing so, you may want to check if your skin is sensitive to lemon. In addition, if you do use this formula, make sure to wear sunscreen when you step out. You can use orange juice in a similar manner to clear the blemishes. Dry an orange peel in the sun, grind it and add curd to it. Apply this as a face mask, leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off. Potato has natural bleaching agents. So you can extract juice of raw and chilled potato and apply it on your face, let it stay for 20 minutes and wash off. Another way of doing this is covering your entire face with slices of potatoes, leaving it overnight and washing it in the morning. Doing this will lighten your skin within seven days. You can also mix one teaspoon milk powder, honey and lemon juice each and add half teaspoon almond oil to it, apply and let it stay for 15 minutes before washing off. Baking soda is an agent used in cosmetic treatments. Mix one teaspoon baking soda with two teaspoons of filtered water, scrub your face with this for just sixty seconds and wash it off.

answered by G M

Marks on the face are caused by a variety of reasons. Sometimes a pimple that you have scratched can dry leaving behind a mark. Any old scar can also leave behind marks on the face. You can treat these scars with lemon juice. This is the best known remedy to get the scars to fade. Another easy remedy is applying aloe vera gel. You can simply break off a leaf from the plant and apply the sticky gel that you find in there.

You can also use cucumber juice to help these marks fade. Extract juice form one cucumber by peeling, grating and then squeezing it. You can use a cotton swab to apply this juice on your face. You can also use grated raw potato as a remedy. Tie up the potato in a bag made of thin muslin cloth and hold this on your marks. Alternately you can also apply slices of peeled and grated potato on the marks. You can also tie up some ice cubes in a muslin cloth and apply these to the scars. Lavender oil is considered an effective remedy in helping marks fade. Mix one table spoon of sandalwood powder with one tablespoon of rose water and apply this paste on the affected areas.

answered by M W

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