My husband has a case of welders flash. What can I do to make the pain go away?

The painful inflammation that occurs when the cornea is exposed to ultraviolet rays can be extremely discomforting and annoying. Advice your husband to rest as much as he can with his eyes closed. The less his eye is strained the faster will the cornea heal. Watching television and reading books must be restricted as far as possible, whilst driving should be kept down for the next couple of days.

Always wear dark shades or dark lens glasses with UV protection while stepping out into the sun, or better still stay out of the sunlight for the better part of the day when the sun is at its worst. Flash burns or welder's lash that take place due to exposure to the rays of the sun may affect both the eyes. Usually the cornea can fix itself in a couple of days and the healing that takes place happens without any scar. But you would need to take care that infection does not take place and if that happens it can lead to serious complications and even the loss of vision. Hence for the next couple of days stay out of the sun and rest as much as possible allowing the body to heal the eye on its own. The eyes can be covered with a cool dressing. Soak cotton gauzes in cool water and place them over closed eyes. Repeat this procedure as you feel the gauze getting warm. During this period the patient must be rested completely without taking part in any physical activity.

answered by K C

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