Articles :: Women's-Issues

There are many ways to maintain as well as increase fertility. The recommended methods will vary according to the sex of the individual. However there are several generic tips that can be applicable to both. First, there are a number of...
Breast tenderness is a common symptom that occurs before a menstrual period. It may be described as soreness, pain and discomfort in the area of the breasts. There may also be some swelling. Breast tenderness, to a certain extent, is normal...
Stretch marks are also medically referred to as striae. These are a type of scarring of a person's skin which has a silvery and white hue to it. These stretch marks or striae can appear on any part of a person's body. These parts...
There is no known cure for common cold, and medications used to treat a cold will only lessen the symptoms. There are many over-the-counter medications that are safe for women to use during pregnancy but non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and...
Menopause is typically defined as the complete stoppage or cessation of the menstrual periods in women for a continuous period of 12 months. Menopause occurs in two main stages; mainly, i.e Pre-menopause which refers to the time before or the...
It is common for women to suffer from toothache during pregnancy. Toothache during pregnancy is mainly due to sore gums, which are either inflamed or infected. It is important to look for immediate treatment, because if left untreated,...
Vitamin D is a nutrient that is present in few foods. It can also be naturally synthesized in the body in the presence of sunlight. Most of the edible sources of this vitamin have the nutrient synthetically added in. Even though the vitamin can...
Women who consume alcohol regularly, during pregnancy may be exposing their unborn babies to harm. Alcohol can pass on from an expectant mother's system, to her baby's blood, damaging the baby's spinal cords and brain cells, affecting...
Morning sickness during pregnancy or even nausea during pregnancy is commonly observed in most women in the first half of the pregnancy especially the first trimester. The severity or degree of the nausea varies from woman to woman. In some women...
Night sweats during menopause are also known as "sleep hyperhidrosis" which refers to profuse or mild sweating at night. Menopausal night sweats are similar to menopause hot flashes that are experienced by women going through...
There are 112 articles listed in Women's-Issues