Pelvic Floor Therapy

by Sam Malone

A lot of women suffer from urinary incontinence. These urinary leakages occur while involved in normal day activities and can be very embarrassing and uncomfortable to the sufferer. Those suffering from urinary incontinence could try decreasing such urinary leakage which takes place when they cough, or laugh, or sneeze or any other intense activities by starting to exercise their muscles located at the pelvic floor.

Firstly the most important requirement is to locate the muscle that you need to exercise. This could be done either by you itself or your doctor could help you find it out. This muscle is used for the purpose of tightening the vagina and therefore not very difficult to locate. You could consult your doctor as to which is the best way and easiest method of locating the muscle that needs to be exercised. The doctor would suggest a few self examination ways to help you locate the muscles.

The doctor can also help to determine which particular muscle needs to be contracted and will help in making sure the exercise is being done properly by checking the person while giving them a pelvic examination. It is not recommended to avoid trying such exercises by first starting and then stopping the flow of urine while voiding. It can lead to irregular bladder habits and can also develop voiding difficulties. Alternatively one should practice these exercises at any other time. Stopping the urine flow during the voiding process is suggested by others when helping to locate those muscles that need to be contracted.

Pelvic floor muscle exercises could be tried in various ways and your doctor would be able to provide you with suitable options. They should be done over the course of a day and not all together at one time as it could lead to muscle to become sore and could also cause fatigue. The first step is to start with about 20 to 25 contractions that can get divided into three daily sessions. They should last for about 5 minutes each time. Finally one should end up being able to do about 100 odd contractions three times each day. The exercise involves tightening pelvic muscles for 6 counts and relaxing. Do this for 12 seconds for 75 contractions. Next week the number has to be upped to 150 contractions, the week after it should be increased to 225 contractions. There may be even be some soreness around the vagina due to the strenuous exercise.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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