Histrionic Personality Disorder

by Sam Malone

Histrionic personality disorder is basically a psychological condition wherein the individual is in a constant need of attention from people around him/her. Those diagnosed with this condition may resort to excessive emotional intimacy, seductiveness, emotional dramas, throwing tantrums and may also groom themselves excessively. An individual who is diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder will long for constant appreciation and will get very uncomfortable or disheartened if they are in an environment where they are not allowed to be the center of attention. Research has shown that women are more commonly found suffering from histrionic personality disorder as compared to men.

It is not possible to ascertain the cause of the development of histrionic personality disorder in an individual; however research has shown that the onset of this disorder may be linked to the environment the individual has been exposed to during their childhood. Besides this other factors like that of genetics and even family history play an important role. Typically cases of histrionic personality disorder are prevalent among those individual who were unable to experience the love of both or even one of their parents or who lost a loved one during their childhood or early adulthood.

Histrionic Personality Disorder Treatment

  • One of the treatment options of histrionic personality disorder is counseling or psychotherapy which is known to be most effective. During a counseling session, the therapist may be able to diagnose and understand the behavioral patterns of the individual and may also be able to guide them as to how they should conduct themselves during the therapy to gain maximum benefit Therapists need to be cautious while dealing with individuals diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder as they may try to seduce them to gain their sympathy or distract them.
  • Medications from physical and psychological symptoms associated with the condition are also known to be effective. However the consumption of these medications should be supervised so as to prevent the person from harming themselves to gain attention.
  • Another treatment option that helps in dealing with histrionic personality disorder is group therapy wherein the therapist may involves the family and friends of the individual as well. This is known to be effective as these people who are closely associated with the individual will be able to better understand the disorder and accordingly provide the individual with the necessary support.

A histrionic personality disorder test may also be used as one of the tools used to diagnose and confirm this psychological disorder.



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