Dyslexia in Children

by Sharon Hopkins

Dyslexia is an interesting learning disability suffered by many individuals in the world. It is a condition where the individual with otherwise normal intelligence levels will struggle with reading. Individuals suffering from dyslexia often experience difficulty in reading to the extent that they may read words differently. Most patients suffering from dyslexia will read extremely slowly and may not be able to understand what they are reading even if they would easily understand the content if it were read out to them. Individuals suffering from dyslexia have a particularly hard time with spellings and with a quick shift between oral and visual information. It is common for dyslexia in children to present in the form of a child's inability to read out quickly, especially when under pressure to do so. Dyslexia is a condition that requires proper diagnosis, failing which the child may suffer academically. Dyslexia in children could make the child experience psychological trauma because of academic failures as well.

Different Symptoms

There are various different symptoms of dyslexia in children as well as adults that differ from patient to patient. However, it is possible to conduct some form of testing for dyslexia in children to check whether the child is suffering from this condition. It is important to distinguish between attention related learning problems and with dyslexia and therefore diagnosing dyslexia becomes very important. Attention problems may present in a similar fashion to the untrained eye, with the child being unable to keep up with school work even if he or she appears to be normally intelligent. A battery of testing for dyslexia can help to establish the nature of the condition so that therapy can be performed to help treat it.

A positive thing for parents to note is that most school boards across the world identify dyslexia as a problem and have specific provisions for students who suffer from this condition. In many cases, students with dyslexia will outgrow the condition over a period o time. Therefore, the education systems around the world have been tuned to allow such students, who are obviously normally intelligent, to use aids during their learning and examination time.

One important aspect of dyslexia treatment for children is the support of their parents and peer group. As mentioned above, children with dyslexia are not unintelligent in any way. That factor is completely separate from this learning disability. Therefore, it is important that dyslexia treatment for children includes therapy that helps the child have a more positive self image. On examination, most people will find that the condition of dyslexia worsens when the child is under pressure to perform. Children with a low self image may struggle to make an effort to read and learn because they simply do not believe that they are capable of such learning. A child with a positive self image is likely to deal with the condition far more effectively than one who is depressed or unmotivated.

The dyslexia treatment for children depends on the doctor who is treating the condition. The first thing to do once the signs of dyslexia in children have been noted is for these parents to have their children tested. Testing is necessary to verify the condition. Following this, there are many different methods of dyslexia treatment for children. These methods use behavioral and learning guides to help the child understand better. Children who begin to learn properly while being treated will automatically gain confidence which will further boost their learning ability. Over time, therapy for dyslexia will help the child overcome the condition. It is rare for adults to suffer from dyslexia. This condition usually affects adults who have had a physical injury which damages a part of the brain, even if this damage is in the form of temporary swelling.

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