Home Remedies for Sciatica

There are some home remedies for Sciatica that you can use to decrease your pain and improve your symptoms. You can also use exercises for sciatica on the recommendation of a physiotherapist. For sciatica nerve pain relief, here are some of the things you can try:

  • Avoid bending or lifting anything - especially things that are heavy. Try not to sit in a soft or a low chair because that could cause the pain to get worse.
  • Over the counter pain medications can help you deal with the severe pain of sciatica. However, if you are allergic to any pain medications, avoid consuming over the counter drugs and consult with your doctor to get a prescription. Avoid painkillers if you are consuming blood thinners.
  • Apply a cold pack to the affected area of the back and see if it helps the pain. You can use a large bag of frozen peas and use it as a cold pack. Apply the cold pack for about 15 minutes and then remove it for the next five, then use it again for another fifteen minutes. You can also get a therapeutic massage. Avoid getting deep tissue massage as that can only complicate the pain.
  • If the pain is too much to bear, try alternating between a cold and hot pack. You can use a cold pack on your lower back for fifteen minutes, remove it for five minutes and then apply a heating pad or a hot water bottle for the next fifteen minutes. Keep alternating between the two but do not sleep with a hot pack as it could burn your skin and cause injuries. You can also use moist heat as it penetrates the body better. Simply soak a washcloth in hot water, wring it and apply it to your back.
  • Lie down on your back on a firm mattress. If you only have soft bedding at home, try and get yourself light bedding, or use a sleeping bag to sleep on the floor. This will keep your back straight. To get more comfortable, place a soft pillow under your knees so that your back is slightly elevated. You can also lie down on a recliner, if that makes you feel comfortable.
  • Rest yourself, but do not use complete bed rest. This would only go on to complicate your sciatica. Engage in light activities which you are able to tolerate. However, avoid doing any kind of heavy lifting. Sciatica takes time to heal, so do not expect a miracle.