More user remedies on Nausea

Nausea helper!!!
suggested by Hannah on Sunday, May 4, 2008

It is good that you avoid eating strong flavoured foods. Also avoid being around strong smelling food as this makes you feel worse! I find that is helps if you have some really strong mint gum, like airwaves. This makes your throat feel clear, thus reducing the horrid feeling that you're going to be sick!

Fresh air
suggested by Raksha on Friday, April 25, 2008

Go out in real fresh air. Breathe in and out for some time. This kind of inhalation and exhalation will make you feel better since your focus shifts to the breathing process.

menstrual pain and feeling of vomiting
suggested by Sakshi on Saturday, December 22, 2007

Inhale any aromatic soap or the fragrance you like of any soap. You will feel much better. Another remedy is to take half a lemon and put some salt and black pepper over it, after that just cook it in the pan with peel and just suck that for few minutes, you will feel better.

remedy for Nausea
suggested by Ranko on Thursday, July 19, 2007

put a drop of Peppermint oil on your stomach, It usually helps you get better faster. and it makes you smell like peppermint :)

suggested by Debra on Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I 1/4oz package of yeast. Yes, the kind you use to make bread. Mix with 8oz of really warm water and drink. Within 20 min. your nausea will subside!

Cola Syrup
suggested by Cara on Tuesday, May 15, 2007

in response, this works very well, pour in on crushed ice. its available at Walgreens. or