Prevention from Infertility

Preventive measures alone will not help to protect you against infertility, but they can certainly help lower the risk. In addition to preventive measures there are also steps that both partners can take to increase the possibility of conception and pregnancy.

Infertility in Men can be Prevented by:

  • Practicing Safe Sex: Safe sex greatly lowers the risks of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. Some STDs can scar the reproductive organs irreparably and result in fertility. While monogamy may be the simplest method of prevention, this may not always be practical, and it would help to follow safe sex practices and the use of condoms.
  • Avoid drugs and alcohol as they can affect the sperm count and sperm motility. Tobacco smoke can also affect fertility.
  • The use of tight restrictive undergarments can subject the genitalia to excessive pressure and should also be avoided. Staying away from extreme heat such as in hot tubs or saunas on a regular basis will also help.
  • Make it a point to get some amount of exercise or physical activity on a daily basis, and keep your eating habits in check. Your diet has a huge impact on your health and it’s important that you follow a balanced diet. Obesity can result in low sperm production and motility. Over exercising can be just as threatening as inactivity, so try to strike a balance when incorporating any kind of exercise or physical activity into your daily routine.

Women can Prevent Infertility by:

  • Staying Away from Drugs and Alcohol Too: Drinking and smoking also increases the risk of endometriosis and ovarian problems that can cause infertility. Smoking can also damage the fallopian tubes and cervix along with increasing the risk of miscarriage.
  • Getting Pregnant When you are Young: The younger you are when you try for a baby, the higher the chances of conception and a successful pregnancy. Women over 35 have to tackle the problem of declining fertility with each passing year, as the number of eggs that are produced reduces significantly as you age.
  • Weight Management: Crash dieting and eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia can cause ovulation to cease altogether, making conception impossible.
  • Moderate Exercise: While physical activity and mild to moderate exercise can help considerably, over exercising is detrimental to fertility and can also lead to irregular menstrual cycles making it difficult to plan a pregnancy.
  • Safe Sex: Women are actually at a higher risk from sexually transmitted diseases, not just in terms of susceptibility to infection, but also from the effects of infection. STDs can result in Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) that can cause infertility in women and pregnancy complications that result from STDs put the lives of both mother and child at grave risk.

  1. W Weidner, G.M Colpi, T.B Hargreave, G.K Papp, J.M Pomerol, The EAU Working Group on Male Infertility, EAU Guidelines on Male Infertility, European Urology, Volume 42, Issue 4, October 2002, Pages 313-322, ISSN 0302-2838, 10.1016/S0302-283
  2. Petra De Sutter, Rational diagnosis and treatment in infertility, Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Volume 20, Issue 5, October 2006, Pages 647-664, ISSN 1521-6934, 10.1016/j.bpobgyn.2006.04.005.
  3. Vicki Denson, Diagnosis and Management of Infertility, The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2006, Pages 380-386, ISSN 1555-4155, 10.1016/j.nurpra.2006.03.019.