How to get rid of a skin boil

Natural treatment for skin boils

  1. Make a paste of turmeric powder and almond oil and leave it for a few hours to dry. Wash it gently with lukewarm water and pat it dry.
  2. Apply honey to your boils daily and wash it with cold water.
  3. Apply clay pack to your face which can be easily found in health food stores.
  4. Do warm cloth compress over the boils by tying either mashed garlic, raw onion slice, a heated tomato slice, a bag of black tea or the outer leaves of a cabbage.
  5. Open two charcoal capsules and make a paste with boiled water. Apply it directly to the boils for treating the infection.
  6. The powdered homeopathic medicine Anthracinum 30 should be taken on alternate nights for about a week. This should be taken before going to bed at nights. Another homeopathic medicine Belladona reduces swelling and inflammation. Calcarea Sulphurica is especially useful for open boils which are draining and not healing properly.
  7. Wash the infected area frequently and apply some antiseptic cream or lotion.
  8. Never prick the boils with your fingertips or nails or squeeze them as the bacteria can get into the blood and cause blood poisoning.
  9. In case of severity, it will be advisable to visit your physician.

answered by D D

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