I am suffering from piles any medicine for instant relief

Engorged anal blood vessels are termed as piles. Also referred to as hemorrhoids, it is the dilatation of the anal veins. Piles is characterized by pain or difficulty in passing stools, itching in the anal region, pain while sitting, bleeding and gas formation in the stomach. Prolonged sitting periods, hereditary factors, pregnancy, constipation, stress, strain in work and obesity are contributing factors for piles. Prolonged standing or exertion in an excessive manner causes protrusion of the hemorrhoids. Varicosity of the veins is associated with jobs, involving standing for hours, such as policemen.

Ice packs are referred, especially during bleeding episodes. The anal sphincter is relaxed by sitting on a warm shallow vessel of water, prior to passing stools. Acidic and spicy foods are avoided. Easily digestible foods and foods, such as radish, onion, garlic, bitter gourd, beet root and garlic are recommended. Supplements of vitamin E and zinc are recommended. Plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits are recommended. Refer to a physician for personalized treatment. Try following certain home remedies, such as consumption of radish juice, of about quarter cup. Overnight soaked figs are also effective remedies. A glass of buttermilk with a quarter spoon of carom seeds proves beneficial. Banana boiled in a glass of buttermilk helps.

answered by Dr C

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