What to do for redness on chest and itchy. Please advise.

Itching on the chest is attributed to various reasons, such as psoriasis or any other skin infection, heat rash, ring worm or severe scratching. Ring worm, a fungal infection is caused by dermatophytes. Improper skin care results in this infection. It occurs as a series of rings that are red and scaly. Jock itch is seen to occur in the upper thighs and groin. Skin reddening with a burning sensation in the anal region and groin is common. Dry red rashes that recur, referred to as eczema is another common skin condition. Also termed dermatitis, the cause is identified as allergens, cosmetics, genetic arrangement and stress. Guidance from a dermatologist will help you better in identifying the causative factor.  Skin atrophy is a common age related condition. Psychological factors, such as ageing, depression and loss of sexual desire or attractiveness are common problems. Healing of skin is also related to age and is much slower and longer. Vaginal atrophy results in pain during intercourse, itching and change in the texture of the skin. 

answered by Dr C

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