What Could Be The Root Cause Of Itchy And Watery Eyes?

A large number of people suffer from itchy and watery eyes. The most common cause for such a condition is a drying of the tear ducts that leads to the itching. Once the tear ducts are stimulated by pressure applied to them, they begin to secrete fluids that never seem to cease. In order to avoid this condition, people must:

  • Remember to keep their eyes free from dust and other particles that cause a blocking of the tear ducts.
  • Wash the face and eyes frequently as this will also help to keep you refreshed. Washing your eyes frequently also removes the impurities from around the area of the tear ducts, keeping them free from blockages.
  • You could also keep your eyes moist with the use of some mild eye drops. This will help in reducing the itchiness and the dryness that you experience.
  • If you are going outdoors, make sure to wear some protective eye wear that help to keep impurities out of the eyes, thereby avoiding any irritability of the sense organs.
  • Rose water is an excellent remedy to soothe dryness or burning sensations that are experienced in the eyes. Washing out the eyes in a capful of rose water will provide instantaneous relief.
  • There are occasions where the optical nerve of the eyes and the muscles around the eyes have been strained, leading to dryness and itching, followed by a continuous flow of secretions. In order to relax the eyes and the relevant muscles, place slices of cucumber over the eyelids while you rest your eyes. The cooling effect of the cucumber slices will provide a great deal of relief to your tired eyes.
  • On certain occasions, a warm compress, made by dipping a piece of towel into warm water and pressing it gently over the eyes will provide relief from symptoms of itching and continuous flow of tears.

answered by G M

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