I have a 2 and a half year old daughter with a really bad chest congestion. Since she cant spit the mucus out she is swallowing it back. So how is she supposed to expel the mucus?

Chest congestion is the congestion of phlegm in the sinuses and cavities of the chest, making breathing difficult and labored. Therefore the need for chest congestion remedies becomes all the more important. Chest congestion mostly occurs when you suffer from flu, cold and cough. In acute cases of bronchitis also you can develop chest congestion. There are a number of chest congestion cause and these include pollutants and other atmospheric causes. Constant exposure to cold air with continuous colds usually leads to congestion. Chest congestion and cough are quite inextricably linked. Chest congestion symptoms are usually long-lasting cough.

You can relieve chest congestion with home remedies for chest congestion. Home remedies help reduce and eliminate mucus from the chest and reduce the suffering and provide effective chest congestion relief. There are homemade chest congestion remedies. You can get relief from chest congestion by taking some steam. Steam inhalation, especially with eucalyptus oil, is a favorite home remedy and often used. You can also add cabbage leaves or lemon grass to the boiling water for better remedial benefit.

Inject a saline rinse into the sinuses and follow it up with some warm water. This helps remove the mucous. Application of olive oil mixed with some eucalyptus oil on the chest is also very helpful. A hot compress of cloves, carom seeds and fenugreek seeds is known to provide relief for chest congestion. Turmeric with warm water or milk and toddy are supposed to also help chest congestion when ingested.

Ginger is an excellent home remedy for any type of cold related ailments. Having a few spoons of ginger juice with lemon and honey can work wonders on reduction of chest congestion. A bowl of soup is also beneficial as the warm liquid trickling down your esophagus can help reduce congestions. Chicken soup is often used as a sure shot cure to reduce chest congestion. If you live in a dry area, you should use a humidifier so that the breathing is not so labored. If you can eat easily, sometimes eating spicy food is known to help. But if the chest congestion is chronic with a long lasting infection, spicy food is not the best idea. Rubbing a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar across your chest will help loosen the phlegm. Even drinking honey and vinegar mixed with warm water helps relieve chest congestion.

Chest congestion in infants is quite common. It is usually a bacterial or a fungal infection. Infants tend to be more susceptible to colds and allergies as their immune systems are still in developing stages. It tends to be difficult to diagnose in infants and therefore just as difficult to treat. Not all home remedies that work for adults are used for infants.

Let's look at how to treat chest congestion on infants. You can treat chest congestion in infants using home remedies. You can also relieve chest congestion in infants by using a bulb syringe. Infants have a tough time breathing in a cold and, unlike children, are not able to spell out what is exactly wrong or even blow their noses. This bulb syringe clears the baby's nasal passages and help the infant breathe better.

You could try rubbing a little vapor rub but this has to be done cautiously as the baby could be allergic to it and that would require immediate medical intervention. You could also take the baby into a steam filled bathroom as it would help ease the mucous out. As the mucous thins, the baby will start to cough it out. You could then use the bulb syringe. While putting the baby to sleep, elevate the baby's head. It will help the baby to breathe better. as congestion and cold is common with infants, you need to monitor the situation quite closely. If the baby's condition becomes worse, remember to see a doctor and get help.

answered by G R

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