How to treat anemia in old age?

While anemia is a common complaint among the elderly, it should not be considered a natural part of the aging process. Anemia in adults can lead to a poorer quality of life as well as increased mortality rates. Other conditions and illnesses that may develop as a result of anemia and low red blood cell counts can complicate the aging process as well. Therefore it is extremely important that elderly people are regularly checked for anemia and that the symptoms of anemia are recognized and treated in time.
There are a number of causes that may result in the development of anemia in old age. These include factors such as genetics, other diseases, vitamin deficiencies such as folate and vitamin B12 deficiencies and iron deficiency. Chronic infections, inflammation and malignancy may also result in a higher risk of developing anemia in old age. A large percentage of cases of anemia in adults may have no underlying cause as well. Symptoms of anemia in old age may include pale skin, dizzy spells, weakness and fatigue, lower body temperature, frequent headaches and cognitive impairments. In geriatric patients, anemia can seriously affect a person’s ability to think clearly and speak coherently.

One of the main concerns when it comes to treating anemia in older patients is the high chance of misdiagnosis. Too many of the symptoms of geriatric anemia can be confused for other ailments or diseases. In such cases, the disease develops untreated and may even prove fatal. Once diagnosed, doctors usually prescribe a variety of treatment options. A change in diet plan is often the best way to treat the condition. Your new diet plan should include an increased intake of iron-fortified cereal and other food products rich in iron. Foods that contain more than 2mg of iron per serving are considered high in iron and should be added to your daily meal plan. These include foods like beef, soybeans, spinach, tofu, poultry, nuts and whole-wheat breads. In addition, eating foods that are high in vitamin C can improve the absorption of iron in the body as well. Iron supplements may help but in chronic cases, this is usually not very beneficial. Instead a daily dosage of erythropoietin may be required to keep the symptoms of geriatric anemia in check. Though erythropoietin may be a costly treatment alternative, without this a geriatric patient may continue to suffer from physical and mental symptoms such as anxiety, decreased mental powers, lethargy, chest pain, internal bleeding and depression.

answered by K C

Here are some home remedies to help anemia.

  • Eat a banana with 1tsp of honey, twice a day
  • Soak 10 currants overnight. Remove seeds and have for 3-4 weeks and have first thing in the morning .
  • Drink a mixture of apple and tomato juice.
  • Eat a lot of green leafy vegetables.
  • Honey-It is very good for an anemic person because it helps increase the hemoglobin in the blood. It is rich in iron, copper and manganese

answered by C

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