Can Toenail Fungus cause numbness in your toes?

In order to dispose of an age old myth, the original onset of fungus on your toenails is not necessarily an indication of an unhygienic lifestyle as the fungus is always present on the upper layers of the skin. This causes the biggest problems in trying to identify if you are affected by a fungal infection of the nail or not. The condition is extremely common and is known to affect around 35 million individuals in America alone. While it is not the same as athlete’s foot, it is quite similar. When the ever present fungus present on the skin and keratin of the toes are exposed to warm, wet areas such as a public gym, locker room, saunas or shower stalls, it is significantly stimulated into spreading infection in parts of the nails. The condition can easily disfigure and destroy the nail as, during their growth process, they constantly feed on the keratin layers of the nails. The condition is relatively rare in children but is known to increase in likelihood during the aging process. Studies have also shown that individuals that are affected by a weakened immune system (such as those suffering from AIDS or HIV) have a higher likelihood of being affected by toenail fungus. Wearing ill fitting and tight shoes or layers of nail polish are also known to be aggravators of the condition. Cutting the toenail too close to the skin will cause multiple small cuts in the skin which allow fungus to enter and spread as well. When affected by toenail fungus, you will notice the infected toenail get flaky, brittle or chipped, while also significantly changing color ranging from black to a brown tinge or spots. Most often, a foul odor will also start to be emitted from the affected area.

Vinegar is known to help significantly when dealing with toenail fungus. You should fill a basin with equal portions of vinegar and warm water. While any type of vinegar can be used, apple cider vinegar is known to have the most beneficial outcome. Soak your toenails in the solution for about 20 minutes before wiping your toenails, first with a dry towel and then with the help of a super absorbent paper. Rubbing alcohol is readily available over the counter at any pharmacy and can be used as a substitute for the vinegar if you prefer. Try the treatment twice everyday until the symptoms disappear. Avoid damp, dark places like showers, public swimming pools where fungus are known to thrive. However, it is best if you visit a doctor first as the numbness in your toes is most probably not connected to the infection, but may be due to a more serious underlying issue.

answered by G M

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