I'm a 52 year old woman with constant gas trouble, burning sensation in stomach, irritation in throat cavity as if some thing is stuck around. Not able to get sound sleep due to bloated stomach, please advise remedy

Stomach gas and bloating are known to be one of the chief complaints from people who are diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease. This is mostly caused by the accumulation of gas in the digestive tract of the individual. One of the primary causes of bloating is intestinal gas. The causes of stomach gas on the other hand include the consumption of foods that are known to be gassy or even inadvertently swallowing large amounts of air while talking or chewing ones food. Since swallowing of air is one of the common stomach gas and bloating causes one should try and ensure that they don't talk while they are chewing their food and also should chew their food slowly.

The distension of the stomach or the abdomen and a feeling of fullness accompanied with constant belching are some of the stomach gas and bloating symptoms. One of the natural remedies for stomach bloating is to avoid the consumptions of carbonated drinks, chewing of gum and drinking through a straw. Similarly the best stomach gas and bloating treatment is to strictly avoid the consumption of foods that are known to be gassy such as corn, cauliflower, lactose, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, potatoes and so on. Another one of the home remedies for gas trouble is to go for regular brisk walks or take up any form of light exercise. This is an effective natural stomach bloating treatment because exercise tends to ensure that the intestines are moving and functioning properly.

Stomach gas and bloating causes also include consumption of excessive fatty foods that are difficult to digest resulting in a buildup of stomach gases, smoking, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome and so on. Home remedies for stomach gas and bloating also include minimizing the intake of high fiber foods as some of these foods are known to be high gas producers. There are also certain over the counter products that are easily available to help against stomach gas and bloating. Many people tend to experience stomach gas and bloating immediately after eating if they have swallowed their food very quickly or of they have been talking while eating which has also resulted in the swallowing of air. Home remedies for stomach gas and bloating should not be used if the individual is also suffering from constipation, vomiting, diarrhea, rectal or abdominal pain, persistent heartburn or so on.

Many a times people tend to experience stomach gas and bloating trouble because of the poor absorption of carbohydrates such as beans or even a reaction to certain foods such as wheat products and milk. One of the simplest home remedies for gas trouble is to try and eat smaller and more frequent meals throughout the day rather than three large meals. This will also keep the stomach active and will prevent the buildup of stomach acids and gases. Many times the stomach gas and bloating causes also include the excessive consumption of meats that are known to have high protein content. In such cases the gas that is emitted is characterized by a strong odor which is mostly on account of the metabolism of amino acids as well as the sulphur containing proteins that may be present in the intestines. In such cases, the doctor may also recommend that the individual take activated charcoal tablets that are known to be effective in removing the odor. Home remedies for stomach gas trouble also include the consumption of foods that are known to produce minimum amount of gas such as citrus, grapes, bananas, yogurt that is prepared with live bacteria and so on. The problem of stomach gas is can be effectively dealt with at home, however sometimes medical intervention may be required.

answered by G M

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