How to stop pupil dialation?

Pupil dilation is known to occur at times under the influence of medications or drugs or even as a defense mechanism of one's body which is considered to be natural. However uneven pupil dilation or even excessive dilation of one's pupils may indicate an illness which could be as grave as brain damage. This would be a worry if it is accompanied with an altered mental state, change in one's speech patterns, an overall feeling of weakness and so on. The doctor may have to perform a pupil dilation test to confirm the exact cause of the uneven pupil dilation. Sometimes the treatment of pupil dilation may be as simple as changing the medication that may be causing this side effect.

The presence of toxic chemicals present in the environment as well as secretions of certain species of plants when brought in contact with the eye could cause pupil dilation. Regularly washing the eyes could prevent the condition from taking place. One could also use eye drops regularly as part of a cleansing regime. One of the ways to avoid uneven pupil dilation is to always read the food labels of products before consuming them to check for any mydriatric components that may trigger the dilation of the pupils. Uneven pupil dilation may also be an indication of head trauma, stroke, brain tumors or even poisoning.

answered by a

How to counter dilated pupils?

The eyes are one of the most important parts of the human body because of the fact that they not only provide the body with the ability to see, but their condition is also regularly referred to in the medical field when making a diagnosis of the body's condition. Although they look like round, black spots in the eyes, the pupils are actually the part of the eye that allows light to enter the eye and help with vision. There are a number of causes of pupil dilation -such as an intake of medicines or drugs, poisoning and neurological conditions.

Excessive light facing the eyes directly will also cause pupil dilation -although that is merely an involuntary reaction of the eye muscles to prevent over exposure of the lens to light. Ophthalmologists will regularly make the use of certain drugs as the main reasons for pupil dilation in an attempt to get a closer look at the structures towards the back of the eyeball. Pupil dilation should be taken rather seriously -especially when the occurrence is unexpected or not manually triggered. Having mentioned that pupil dilation is possible as a result of neurological complications, you will want to have a doctor take a look at it as soon as you get the chance.

answered by G M

Can a dilated pupil be treated?

The eyes are complicated organs used to convert light into images that are transmitted to the brain. The cells that pick up these images are located in the back of the eye. The lens helps to focus the light onto these cells so that it becomes visible. The pupil is the part of the eye that opens wider or narrower depending on the light conditions. In low light, the pupils tend to be dilated to allow more light into the eye, allowing things to be seen in the dark. In bright light, the pupils contract to limit the exposure of the eye to excessive light.

Pupil dilation also occurs in response to certain conditions that the body might find itself in. The use of certain common drugs could also cause pupil dilation in certain individuals.Pupil dilation treatment depends on the cause of the condition. Physical damage to the eye can cause permanent pupil dilation which can lead to vision problems. One may also be consuming medication that has this side effect. In such a situation, it is important to figure out any possible trigger before seeking treatment for pupil dilation. It may be necessary to stop all medication if pupil dilation is a side effect that has been experienced.

answered by A S

What are the effects of pupil dilation?

Pupil dilation is done with the help of eye-dilating drops and can have a few side effects in some cases. Most of these side effects are temporary and mild and hence pose no big threat to a person's eyesight. One of the common pupil dilation side effects is redness and blurry vision which lasts for a while till the eye drops wear off. In such cases the near vision of a person is more affected as compared to the distance vision. Allergic reactions are another one of the pupil dilation effects which can even lead to anaphylactic shock in some cases.

Fainting, lightheadedness and blood pressure fluctuations are common in such cases. Certain types of dilating drops which are meant for keeping dilation for a few days can even cause severe reactions such as flushing, dry mouth or skin, palpitations and even hallucinations. Although rare, serious pupil dilation side effects like narrow angle glaucoma can also be caused by some dilation drops. People who have a smaller than normal eye area generally suffer from this side effect when the excess eye fluid starts putting pressure on the optic nerves causing redness, severe pain and even loss of vision, all symptoms of narrow angle glaucoma.

answered by G R

Pupil dilation is many times due to administration of certain drugs. Identify those medications and substitute them with other by consulting a specialist. Visit a specialist if both the pupils in the eyes remain dilated for more than 24 hours or if one pupil is larger in size than the other. If only one pupil is dilated and other is normal then the cause can be Adie's syndrome. In this one pupil may contract slowly in response to light than the other one. Single pupil dilation can also be a result of a tumor, stroke or some brain injury.

answered by S P

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