What does it mean if you have a black toe

Black toe fungus is also known as Onychomycosis which is caused by tiny organisms that tend to infect the toenails and even the fingernails. Black toe fungus is mostly observed in people who tend to wear shoes at all times in warm climates as the fungus causing organisms tend to thrive on moisture and warmth. Some of the causes of black toe fungus resulting in darkened or black toe skin are cuts in the skin next to the toenails resulting in fungus, wearing the same shoes on a daily basis without allowing the shoes to dry sufficiently or even a small break or chip in the toenails may result in fungus. Some of the common symptoms and signs of black toe fungus are the toenails getting black, yellow, brown or have spots, toenails getting flaky and brittle, bad smell emanating from the toenails, stinging pain while walking and so on.

Some of the home remedies for black toe treatment are soaking one's toenails in a basin filled with equal amount of vinegar and warm water for at least 20 minutes. Thereafter one should wipe their toenails and toes completely dry with a clean towel. This treatment should be followed twice a day on a daily basis and is known to be a highly effective black toe treatment. Similarly another natural black toe treatment involves the use of tea tree oil which is known to be one of the most powerful antiseptic and fungicide. Those suffering from black toe fungus should rub the affected toenails with some cotton that has been dipped in tea tree oil once in the morning and once just before going to sleep. This treatment should be followed till the fungus has completely gone. Sometimes rubbing alcohol could also be used to treat the condition. This is available in any pharmacy and one could use it for their toes on a daily basis for as few weeks. This is known to be effective in eradicating black toe fungus. Those who are suffering from diabetes also experience black toe skin. If you notice a black toe during diabetes, it is necessary that you immediately contact your doctor as it may lead to further complications including gangrene which could be life threatening. Black toe fungus can be prevented by ensuring that one does not use nail clippers that are being used by others as well as nail fungus tends to spread very easily.

answered by G R

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