Home remedies for ingrown toenails

An ingrown toenail can be described as the nail on a toe that does not grow over the skin, but into it, especially at the corners. It is more common with the big toe, than it is with the others. While this condition is not that much of a concern, it is known to also cause some amount of pain and discomfort. Moreover, measures for the proper ingrown toenail care need to be followed, or else, it could lead to an infection, where the toe becomes red and swollen and is accompanied by pain and pus. For ingrown toenail relief, you could contact a doctor, who may prescribe antibiotics. In some severe cases, the doctor could also recommend an ingrown toenail removal surgery. However, most people first try healing ingrown toenails, with the help of home remedies. Given below are some of the most effective and commonly used methods for treating and healing ingrown toenails:

  • Soak your foot and especially the affected toe, in warm water for at least 15 to 20 minutes. For higher effectiveness, you could also add one or two capfuls of a povidone-iodine solution to the water. Once the foot has been soaked and is well dried, you could insert the nail cutter under the edge of the ingrown nail, with a bit more ease. Cut the ingrown toenail, keeping the clipper at a slight angle. Make sure that you do not cut the skin, while clipping the nail.
  • Roll a small piece of cotton into a thin sliver. Using the edge of a nail clipper, lift the corner of the ingrown toenail, so that there is some gap between the skin and the nail. Place the sliver of cotton between the nail and the skin and then release the toenail, so that the cotton stays tight between the nail and the skin. This will keep the toenail from growing into the skin. Change the piece of cotton at least once a day, to prevent any infections.
  • Wearing loose and comfortable sandals or going barefoot for as long as possible will reduce any pressure on the toes. This keeps the pressure off the toenails too and helps the process of healing ingrown toenails.
  • It is important to wash the foot frequently throughout the day, at least 4 or 5 times in the day, using mild soap and water. Soaking the foot in warm water with salt (or vinegar) a few times a day would also be effective in healing ingrown toenails.

In case the ingrown toenail causes too much pain, or in case it does not get better after 2 weeks or so, it is best to consult a podiatrist, without any delay.

answered by M W

An ingrown toenail is basically the corner of a toenail that grows into the soft skin tissue and causes swelling, pain and even infection. This condition results mostly from wearing excessively tight shoes that bite into the toes and create too much pressure on the toes. Cutting the toenails too short and rounding off the edges may also cause the corners of the nails to start growing inwards. You should shape your nails square instead of round when you clip them. However, remember that you should not venture to clip the ingrown toenail while it still cuts into the skin, as this might lead to septic infections. Allow the nail time to grow out, either naturally or through treatment, and only then use a pair of clippers. It is also advisable to wear sandals instead of shoes till the time that the condition is remedied. If left untreated, the ingrown toenail may have to be operated upon to prevent the spread of the infection. Also, diabetic patients should be extra-careful to prevent ingrown toenails, as their bodies find it harder to fight off an infection once it sets in.

There are quite a few simple home remedies for treating ingrown toenails. Soak your foot for about 15 minutes in a tub of warm water to which a tablespoon of common salt has been added. This acts as a natural disinfectant that prevents local infections by cleansing away dirt particles and destroying breeding germs, as well as softens and heals the skin tissue of the affected toe. After this, pat your foot dry with a soft towel, and then twist a small ball of cotton wool into a thin thread and wedge it under the ingrown nail. Repeat this process every night before going to bed. Soon the nail will start growing outwards. You may also tie up a slice of lemon around the affected toe with some gauze before going to bed every night. The acidic juice of the lemon fights microbial growth and prevents the spread of the infection. Washing the area with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water or an infusion of iodine is also helpful in treating this condition. Gently massaging the skin around the ingrown toenail with some tea tree oil also helps soften the tissues of the nail and relieve pain, and gradually eases out the pressure created by the nail on the surrounding skin.

answered by G M

Ingrown toenails are a painful condition and are also known as Onychocryptosis Unguis incarnatus. It is a common form of nail disease and a painful condition that causes the nail to cut into one or both sides of the nail bed. An ingrown toenail is most commonly seen in the big toe, but in growth can take place on any nail.

Ingrown toenails occur when a penetrative edge of the toenail cuts into the skin at the end of or side of the toe. There is intense pain and inflammation felt by an individual experiencing an ingrown toenail condition. If the nail condition is left untreated, the inflamed area can cause the growth of extra tissue and start draining out yellowish fluid.

On some occasions initial treatment for ingrown toenails can be safely carried out at home. Nevertheless, home treatment for ingrown toenails must be strongly opposed or prevented, especially if you suspect a secondary infection around the area, or if you have an inherent medical disorder that puts your feet at high risk. Such medical conditions include diabetes mellitus, nerve impairment in the foot, or poor blood circulation.

As an initial form of treatment, or before the doctor arrives, the infected foot can be soaked in room-temperature water with an added measure of Epsom's salt. The foot can be gently massaged at the side of the nail fold to control or bring down the inflammation. It is important to treat ingrown toenails as soon as they are spotted. If the ingrown toenail is recognized early on, before infection begins, home care may help to forestall the need for further treatment. Ingrown toenails can be prevented by following some important guidelines. These include: Trimming the nails in the right manner. The toenails must be cut in a fairly straight line, without making them too short. Keep away from ill-fitting shoes that are either too short or tight in the toe box. On the other hand, also avoid shoes that are unnecessarily loose, as they can cause pressure on the toes, especially during running or a brisk walk.

Care provided to treat ingrown nails ranges from softening the afflicted area in warm water at home to surgery under a reputed podiatrist. The correct form of treatment can be dictated by a medical expert depending upon the severity of the condition. In almost all cases, emptying of the collected blood or watery discharge must be conducted by a podiatrist, trained to treat these conditions.

answered by G M

Ingrown toenails can be prevented if you keep some basic rules in mind. While cutting your toe nails, always cut the nail straight across and file the nail corners to smoothen sharp corners. Do not cut it too close to the skin. Soaking your feet in warm water before trimming your nails is a good idea as it not only softens your nails, it also reduces pain, if any.

answered by K C

You need to heal it first. Soak in hot Epsom salts water several times a day. that will pull out the inf. also put neosproin for pain on it. this will take a few days if it is bad. then DO NOT CUT IT, but gently using a metal nail file, slip it under the toenail that is ingrown and lift it up just slightly so it is over the skin so it will grow out. when it is grown out cut you toenail straight only so the sides are always longer than the skin area.

answered by n

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