Is beetroot cure for shingles effective?

A virus called varicella-zoster is responsible for causing chickenpox. After the infection has subsided this virus remains dormant within the nervous system of the body. Therefore, it cannot be completely eliminated from the body. When the immune system of the body is compromised it resurfaces and causes shingles. Shingles is also referred to as herpes zoster, and is a painful rash. Herpes zoster or shingles is classified as a viral infection, and needs medical attention. Shingles appear in the form of tiny blisters that span across the breastbone area to the mid back region. A person suffering from shingles will experience excruciating pain. Although shingles are not a life threatening condition it can cause certain complications, therefore it is best to visit a doctor. You may use home remedies for shingles to get better results.

Beetroot is also commonly known as garden beet, table beet and red beet. Beetroots are quite effective when it comes to treating shingles. However, one cannot treat shingles entirely by only consuming beetroots. Beetroots are rich in vitamin A, B and C; they also contain phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, iron, anti-carcinogenic substances and folic acid.  In addition, beetroots are a very good source of natural fiber. Beetroots are effective when it comes to treating shingles for the simple reason that it contains vitamin B and folic acid. Vitamin B and folic acid are very important as they are responsible in aiding healthy cell production. This helps in containing herpes.

In addition to consuming beetroots you will have to consume a healthy, oil free diet while experiencing this condition. Vegetables and fruits are the best sources of most vitamins and minerals required by the body. Therefore, you will need to follow a vegetarian diet for a while in order to get rid of this condition at the earliest. This will boost your immune system and help you alleviate your condition effectively. Avoid scratching your blisters as it could lead to permanent scarring of the affected region. Instead of scratching your blisters, you can apply cold compresses on your blisters, for instant relief. You can also apply aloe vera gel on your blisters to attain similar effects. Vitamin E oil applied on the shingles will also help in preventing scarring of the region.

Make sure you take complete rest for a few days when suffering from shingles. This gives the body enough time to boost its immune system in order to counter the virus and recover.

answered by c

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