Homemade tips for for dark arms, neck, elbow and feet

Most people today crave a fair complexion. There are various skin care products that promise to make a person look fairer than their natural complexion. However in reality, skin care products can only manage to lighten a person’s skin tone. It also helps to even it out the skin tone, to the extent it has been darkened due to over exposure to the sun. From your question, I presume that you are naturally fair, as your facial skin suggest the same. However you want the same color to be reflected on the other parts of your body as well, like your arms, neck, elbows and most probably knees too. I will answer your question in two parts: the cause for darkening of the skin areas that you mentioned, and ways in which you can help them retain their natural color. However these remedies will take time to display visible results, you will need to be patient and continue with the suggestions provided below.

The cause for darkening of the skin areas like the elbow, arms, neck and feet:Everyone takes utmost care of their face. A single pimple or a harmless pustule can make a person frantic and desperate to get rid of it. While out in the sun we apply sun screen lotions and skin moisturizers to protect our facial skin. But do we really take as much care of the other parts of the body that are equally exposed to the sun like the neck, arms and feet? In most cases the answer would be a big no! The other reason that the neck, elbows, arms and legs darken are because, these parts have folds in which sweat accumulates. To add to this, dirt and grime settle over the sweat to make the area appear darker than the face, or other well scrubbed parts of the body.

Simple suggestions and home remedies for lightening the skin color:

  • Always maintain good hygiene and personal cleanliness. Wash your neck, elbows and other skin areas like armpits when you get home, as these parts tend to accumulate sweat. Just as you would apply sun screen and moisturizers to your face, it is imperative that you do the same with the other parts of the body that are exposed to the sun as well.
  • Protect your neck by wearing collared shirts that would shade it from the sun. Scrub your neck, elbows, armpits, knees and the spaces between the toes as they accumulate the most amount of sweat and grime. Use a body scrubber for this purpose if necessary.
  • You can exfoliate your skin to retain its color by using a tomato and a little honey. Scrub a sliced tomato over the affected areas of your skin. Allow the tomato juice to soak into your skin for at least 5 minutes. Apply the honey to your loofa or body scrubber and gently scrub the darkened areas. Tomato juice is acidic in nature and will loosen the dead skin cells while honey will moisturize your skin. Exfoliation helps you get rid of the old skin and exposes the natural layer of soft skin below.

These simple suggestions would help you solve your problem effectively if followed on a regular basis. Just as you would apply sun screen and moisturizers to your face, it is imperative that you do the same with the other parts of the body that are exposed to the sun as well.

answered by c

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