What are musk melons?

The muskmelon, referred to as, Cucumis melo or false berry, originated in Persia. It is smaller than the water melon and is of yellowing-green skin. The fruit is known for its sweet odour. Musk  means perfume; melon is French, meaning "apple-shaped melon" and derived from Greek words of the same meaning. Cantaloupe melons, a variety of musk melon, is a good source of potassium, vitamin A and folic acid. They are beneficial to the kidneys and are a useful purgative. North American cantaloupes are the most beta-carotene-rich of all melons and are also a rich source of vitamin C.

These can be bought in any departmental/fruit shops.It is used in treating underweight. For further information, visit,

answered by r k

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