Home remedies for baby bronchitis

Bronchitis is a medical condition in which the bronchial tubes that connect the windpipe to the lungs get inflamed due to bacterial presence in the throat. This could be due to a common cold infection and cough in which there is a build up of mucus in the throat. Bronchitis amongst infants can be prevented by ensuring that your child gets all the routine vaccines and if you are vigilant regarding your child's health. It is important to correctly diagnose and understand infant bronchitis because your child's immune system has not yet fully developed. Children are susceptible to common colds and it sometimes spreads to the lungs, leading to bronchitis. Infants with bronchitis usually have difficulty in breathing. Apart from the labored breathing, the child also makes a strange squeaky sound while inhaling and exhaling. The breathing symptoms are also accompanied by fever sometimes. Since bronchitis amongst infants is far more serious than it is amongst toddlers, it is essential not to ignore it and to treat it properly.

It is always a good idea to avoid strong medications, especially with infants and there are several simple home remedies to treat bronchitis. You should ensure your child is drinking plenty of fluids. This will help to thin the mucus blocking the windpipe, making it easier from the child to breathe. Make sure your child is drinking warm water and plenty of hot soup since this will not only clear the throat it will also soothe the discomfort in the throat and chest. Homemade chicken soup and tomato soup laced with lemon and pepper is excellent for treating bronchitis and you should make your child sip on it periodically. Apart from this, you should keep your child covered warmly, ensuring that his chest is protected from the cold. You could take your infant out for a walk in the fresh air once he is adequately wrapped in warm clothing. This will help to clear his windpipe and help him to breathe easier. You can prop your child up while sleeping, by placing an extra pillow below his head or raising the head of the bed by placing a brick below the bed. This will reduce your child's labored breathing. Also remove all smoke from the infant's environment. This includes cigarette smoke as well as firewood smoke. If your child is coughing excessively, wheezing while breathing and is running a fever of 103 degrees or more, you should immediately consult a doctor for adequate treatment.

answered by G M

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