What food we can give for Chicken Pox?

Chicken pox is a highly contagious disease that generally affects children, but can also affect adults. It is however a lot more serious for adults. A rash appears on the infected person's body two days after the infection sets in. The rash then forms into blisters that burst and scab over as the infection progresses. The incubation period generally lasts around two to three weeks. Pregnant women who get infected with the chicken pox virus for the first time must seek prompt medical assistance as it can cause complications.

There are no real diet restrictions for a chicken pox patient, but there are certain points that you should keep in mind.

  • Make sure that your diet includes substantial amounts of fluids that could include fruit juices and coconut water in addition to regular drinking water.
  • In some cases chicken pox sores may also develop in the mouth. In such situations acidic, spicy or hard and crunchy foods should be avoided as they will cause irritation and discomfort. Soft and bland foods would be the best option under these circumstances.
  • Although there are no specific dietary restrictions for a chicken pox patient, foods that are not easily digested and absorbed by the system should be avoided. This would include red meats, processed or precooked foods, refined foods, deep fried food and junk food.
  • A healthy balanced diet is the best option, keeping in mind the above mentioned points. Include plenty of raw fruits and vegetables in your diet, while moderating the intake of any other food items, and avoiding those that are unhealthy and possess no nutritional value.

Infected individuals may also suffer from fever as a symptom and this causes a loss of appetite and weakness. It is therefore important that you avoid eating outside foods and only consume home cooked meals that are prepared under hygienic conditions.

The only treatment or care that can be provided is to alleviate the symptoms of itchiness and fever. The infection follows its course and will pass, but it is important that you avoid scratching at the blisters to avoid scarring. Daily baths will help reduce the itching, but this is not always possible. Calamine lotion will also provide relief. The best way to combat the itchiness and resist the urge to scratch is by using margosa or mint leaves to gently brush the area. You can also apply a cold that soaked in water in which margosa leaves have been boiled and strained. Fever is generally mild and will pass without any treatment. Make sure you do not have an aspirin as this can cause complications. If the fever is high seek medical attention.

answered by G R

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