Home remedies for dark vagina and white cysts near clitoris

Painless marks in the vagina are a result of underlying veins. Fatty tissue underneath the skin becomes thinner on ageing. The veins are blackish blue in color.

There is no need to worry in the absence of pain. Insulin excess results in acanthosis nigricans. It is brown to black in color and affects the folds of the groin, neck, umbilicus and axilla. It is also referred to as hyper pigmentation of the skin. Insulin resistance due to type 2 diabetes mellitus is the major cause. Obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome, heredity and gastric cancer are the other causes.

Diagnostic tests are necessary to reveal the cause of the condition. Skin biopsy helps. Mucous membranes are rarely involved. It is a paraneoplastic syndrome. It is of cosmetic importance. No specific treatments are available. Sudden changes in the skin color calls for medical attention. It affects at any age. Oral contraceptives, human growth hormone and excessive dosage of niacin results in acanthosis nigricans.

Endocrine disorders equally contribute to this condition. Endoscopy, x ray and blood tests are essential diagnostic procedures, done to rule out cancer and diabetes. Visit a gynecologist or dermatologist for further guidance.

answered by r k

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