please give information about the diet for asthma patients

Asthma is a chronic condition that causes inflammation in the lungs due to the narrowing of the airways. The airways are responsible for the movement of air in and out of the lungs. During an asthma attack, there is swelling and soreness in the walls of the airways. As such they become sensitive and are prone to irritation. As the airways become narrow, less air is able to pass through them and reach the lungs. This results in tightness and pressure in the chest, wheezing, breathing difficulty and coughing. Regulation of dietary habits will help you to deal with asthma better and also prevent frequent attacks from occurring. Eating healthy and balanced meals will also serve to help you maintain your ideal body weight. It has been observed that severe asthma is often associated with obesity. However, along with proper diet, moderate exercise too will help in dealing with asthma better.

There are certain foods that can trigger an asthma attack by causing an allergic reaction in the sensitive airways of the lungs. These foods include peanuts, cow’s milk, wheat cereals, soy, fish, foods composed of mould and yeast such as certain types of cheese and bread, beer, wine and cider. These foods must be avoided by individuals suffering from asthma.  Foods that are beneficial for asthma are those that help to make the mucus thinner. This will cause the airways to open up and allow for easier passage of air to the lungs. These include spicy foods such as garlic, onion, mustard and chili. There are also certain foods that have anti-inflammatory properties that help to soothe the airways. These include onion, foods rich in vitamin C and fatty fish. One can also consume foods that are rich in magnesium such as dried figs and sunflower seeds, and foods rich in the vitamin B group such as pulses and leafy vegetables. Broccoli is also recommended as it is effective in providing protection against inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Dairy products must be avoided as they tend to make the mucus thicker. Sugary foods, rice, yogurt and iced beverages also increase mucus production, and hence should be avoided. Eat an apple daily as it contains flavonoids which prevent inflammation. You can also consume dried figs that have been soaked in water overnight. This helps in draining out the mucus. Research has also shown that a vegetarian diet is more suited for those suffering from asthma as it is possible that meat may contain more allergenic substances.

answered by G M

While there is no real specific diet for asthma patients, the diet for an asthmatic patient should contain limited amounts of acid forming foods such as fats, carbohydrates and proteins and a good amount of alkali forming foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. You should also take care to include nuts in your diet.

You should start your day by having a glass of warm water as this would help clean your system as well as loosen the secretions of the throat. For the rest of the day you can have lots of vegetables as they include a good amount of bioflavonoids, which help reduce the free radicals in our bodies. The anti-oxidant nutrients of fresh fruits help against pollution and help keep our lungs healthy. Including baked oily fish few times a week in your diet helps reduce the inflammation of the lungs. Milk and other dairy products should be completely eliminated as these foods increase the severity of asthmatic symptoms. Mucus forming foods such as chocolates, cakes, white sugar and white flour should be avoided. The excess mucus blocks the air pathway and aggravates the condition further.

An ideal meal pattern would start with breakfast, which would consist of fresh fruits or dry fruits. For lunch, you could have steamed vegetables with wheat tortillas or whole wheat bread. Dinner can include a large salad of raw vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce or carrots with cottage cheese or prunes. You should preferably eat your last meal two hours before you go to bed. Having a glass of lemon juice with your meals ensures better results. If you are in the early stages of asthma, having garlic with milk everyday or having ginger tea twice a day would keep the asthma in control.

One of the most important things is learn how to manage the asthma well. Besides taking care of your diet, you should also take your medications regularly. All the required medications, including inhalers, should all be within reach so as to avoid panic during emergencies. Include moderate exercises in your routine, especially breathing exercises. Regularly wash all your pillow covers, bedspreads and quilts. Fresh air is also very important for your lungs, therefore ensure there is always proper ventilation. Smoking should strictly be avoided. Even second hand smoking is a common trigger for asthmatic patients. Not following a proper asthmatic treatment can lead to asthma flares and could even endanger your life.

answered by G M

Diet for asthma

Recent studies have found that healthy eating has a correlation with reduced or less severe asthma symptoms. As an asthma patient, ensure that your daily food intake is simple and nutritious. Do not eat very heavy or rich meals because they will put pressure on your system unnecessarily. You can also eat small and frequent meals rather than a standard meal at certain times. To ensure that your food is light and easily digestible, cook with less oil and spices and try and stay mainly vegetarian. A low-carb, low-fat diet is very beneficial.

Eat dinner at least two hours before sleeping so that your stomach is light and easy. Avoid the consumption of dessert in the night. Ensure that you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially as a snack in between meals. Findings from various recent surveys suggest that asthmatics benefit by eating fruity vegetables, like eggplants and green beans. All foods that encourage mucous formation are considered avoidable for people suffering with asthma. These foods include refined flour bread, dairy foods, and white sugar. Excess mucous completely blocks the airways and thus aggravates an asthma attack. Salt has also been proved to be related to aggravating asthma. A study undertaken in the UK recently showed that asthmatic patients on a low sodium diet for three months experienced improved lung function.

answered by G M

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