Swollen finger natural cures

my daughter has what looks like an insect bite on her finger beneath the nail bed. swelling has increased over the last few days. also has small pustules. complains of pain in the area and unable to bend finger

Identifying the insect which caused the bite is essential. Wash the affected area with adequate amount of water and anti bacterial soap. Household ammonia is a good cleanser, as it buffers the toxic effect of the insect sting. White vinegar is helpful in reducing inflammation caused due to insect bites. Oregano oil proves beneficial in case of pustules and boils. The itchy feeling left after an insect bite is cleared by dabbing tea tree oil. A paste of corn starch applied topically over the affected area also relieves itch. Applying a white tooth paste, a few minutes, after the bite also proves effective. Crushing a clove of garlic and placing it helps in decreasing pain. Piercing a cut lemon on the finger also helps. Both the swelling and pain is eliminated by another easily accessible home remedy. Keep a slice of tomato on the finger for relief. A clear nail polish works wonders! Plain mustard helps in flushing out toxins, thereby reducing the accompanying inflammation. Charcoal caps are emptied and made into a paste. Applying this relieves pain associated with all kinds of insect bites.

answered by Dr C

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