Is pudinhara safe for children aged 4-5 yrs.?

Pudinhara is basically a mixture of peppermint oil and spearmint oil, and is commonly used as a remedy for a variety of stomach problems in India. Although essentially a kind of natural, or at least herbal, remedy, it is best to avoid using it for small children. To some extent it depends on the individual, so you can ask your family doctor for an opinion.

There are however a number of other safe treatments that you can actually prepare at home to combat stomach problems such as indigestion. A warm compress and massage are extremely effective in easing the symptoms such as stomach ache, especially for a four or five year old child. You can massage your child's stomach gently, after applying coconut oil to his stomach and your hands. Do this for around ten to fifteen minutes, and then apply a hot water bottle to his or her stomach for half an hour. If your child is constipated, eating some fruits and vegetables, or anything high in fiber should help. In children, stomach aches are usually due to indigestion or constipation, and in most cases no other treatment is necessary. However, if the pain is particularly severe or if it lasts for longer than a day, you should take your child to the doctor.

answered by G M

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