Remedies For Gums & Facial Swelling

A swelling of any kind on your gums and face could be an indicator of serious tooth infection. If this swelling has been there for more than a couple of weeks, please get it medically examined to determine that there is no serious problem with the gum. A mild infection can be taken care of by simple home remedies, but if the infection is strong, it may require medication, or even surgery in severe cases. You can begin by rinsing your mouth out with diluted hydrogen peroxide (one part peroxide to 10 parts water) followed with a warm salt water rinse. This will help take care of a mild infection ease the pain momentarily.

Should the pain persist, use chilled hydrogen peroxide and water and avoid using the salt. Vanilla or almond extract applied directly to the gum will numb the pain. Likewise, you can also apply clove oil to the area. This is one of the oldest and most effective remedies to take care of any oral problem. Stir in a teaspoon of tea tree oil in a cup of warm water and keep this in your mouth for a while. The antiseptic and anti-fungal properties of tea tree oil will help with the infection over time. Echinacea, which was called the "toothache plant", can work miracles. It is easily available in tablet form and must be taken as per prescribed dosage on the bottle.

answered by G M

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