Advice for wart on thumb

Don't rip off the wart on your thumb by yourself at home as it can lead to an infection. Please visit a specialist to get rid of it to avoid any complications. At home you can try the following simple remedies:

  • Rub the inner skin of banana (after peeling it) over the wart and place a small piece over it. To keep it in place tie a cotton bandage over it. Regular application would help to get rid of the wart.
  • Over the counter available duct tapes in the market also work well to get rid of the warts. They are very effective for most of the people with warts.
  • Aloe vera will give a cooling effect on the cut which you have made. Take a fresh aloe leaf, cut it and soak the inner fresh juice in a cotton ball. Place this cotton ball over the wart and tie it with a cotton bandage to get rid of the wart.
  • Dab few drops of castor oil in a cotton ball; apply it over the wart twice a day after the cut is healed.
  • Cut a small piece of onions and rub it lightly over the wart. This will help stimulate blood circulation in the affected area and treat the wart quickly.
  • Extract milky juice from figs and apply it over the wart 2-3 times daily for about a week regularly.
  • Include vitamin A rich foods in your diet like papaya, carrot, pumpkin and other yellow orange fruits and vegetables. This will help boost your immune system and fight against warts.
  • Keep the area with wart dry and clean as far as possible.

answered by Dr S

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