Natural Treatment for Sore Taste Buds

You might be referring to canker sores. These are small sore with a reddish border and inner grey centre. They are seen commonly on the cheeks, tongue and inner lips. They are three to five millimetres in diameter. Spicy and acidic foods are avoided in the diet. A coating of milk of magnesia proves beneficial. Ointments available over-the-counter is also effective. Alcohol and smoking are avoided. Allergy to certain foods, such as shell fish, chocolates, tomatoes and nuts also result in infected taste buds. Cold foods or those foods in the room temperature are useful.

Topical application of hydrogen peroxide on the tongue is an excellent remedy for canker sores. Deficiency of folic acid, riboflavin and cyanocobalamine affects. Supplements of these deficient vitamins are recommended. Vitamin A is also advised, due to its increased pace of healing the mucous membranes. Sweets, candies and sugars are avoided. Elimination diet is done to check out for any kind of food allergies. Foods containing acidophillus, such as yoghurt, butter milk and cottage cheese are helpful. Soda and caffeinated beverages are abstained from. Visit your physician for further assistance.

answered by Dr C

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