Need diet for peptic ulcers. snack food, breakfast, lunch. Thank you.

For burning caused by peptic ulcers, you can get immediate relief by having a glass of lukewarm milk with two teaspoons of castor oil added to it. The milk will soothe the irritated lining of your stomach and castor oil will provide relief. There are some rules you can follow generally as well. Drink excessive water, which will dilute the acid produced by your stomach and give you relief. Drink cool fluids and avoid eating and drinking hot stuff. Quit smoking, since it irritates the stomach lining.

For a proper schedule, you must begin with having five to six small meals in a day as opposed to three big ones. Breakfast should be bananas and cold milk with sweet cereal. This will be very helpful in preventing acidity all day. Mid-morning, you can have a small snack of a fruit such as an apple or some melon. You can also have milk with this if you like. Lunch can consist of any well-cooked, non-spicy, roasted, grilled or broiled foods. As a rule, you must not eat anything spicy and oily. You must also cut alcohol completely from your system.

Have a mid-day snack of carrot or cabbage juice. Try to make fresh, and if you cannot, eat a couple of carrots and some chopped cabbage instead. Ready made juices may not be too helpful in treating you. Instead of evening coffee or tea, you can have a thick smooth milkshake of any kind. Dinner should be along the lines of lunch. If you follow these rules for a week, you will notice a marked difference in your condition.

answered by G R

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