Information about omega 3 supplement for high bp

It is not clear exactly why you are looking for omega 3 supplements to solve your high blood pressure problem. Omega 3 fatty acids are available from a large number of regular food sources, many of which are extremely tasty, so there is no real reason to take supplements. Natural sources are always better than artificial supplements. Fish is one of the best sources of omega 3 fatty acids, in particular sardines, salmon, and mackerel. If you do not like fish or are a strict vegetarian, there are still other excellent sources available. Flaxseed or linseed is one — the best way to consume flaxseed is to buy whole flaxseed and add it to cereal, juices, or the mixture for any home baked food, after grinding it just before use. Other rather rich and tasty sources of omega 3 fatty acids include kiwifruit, chia, walnuts, hazelnuts, and butternuts.

In addition to these natural sources, many manufacturers today add omega 3 fatty acids to their products. If you like, you can find out which locally available products contain such supplements and use them. As far as we know, there are no real omega 3 fatty acid supplements available. The closest to a supplement are the products just described, and foods such as krill (shrimp-like zooplankton), krill oil, and fish oil.

answered by G M

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