Articles :: Diseases and Ailments

Lichen planus pemphigoides is a rare form of lichen planus, in which blisters develop on lichen planus lesions. To know more about this disorder, let us look at what the main disease lichen planus is all about. Lichen planus is an inflammatory...
A type of bacteria known as Legionella causes Legionnaire’s disease. In 1976, during a convention of the American Legion in Philadelphia, there was an outbreak of this type of lung infection and the name of the bacteria was thus given....
For each one of us to function normally requires metabolic system to be working healthily. Metabolic system when not working healthily will result in loss of energy and a variety of other problems which will create more problems further....
The digestive system is a collection of many different organs and components. Any problem with any of the parts of the digestive system or its associated organs can result in a different condition with its own unique set of symptoms and requiring...
When tissues in the body are affected by microorganisms due to a weakened immune system, the body is more susceptible to infections. Microorganisms that cause infectious diseases include bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses. Some organisms...
Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain caused by a virus. Although a rare disease, it commonly occurs in children, the elderly or people with weakened immune systems such as those suffering from HIV/AIDS or cancer. Encephalitis is different...
Conversion hysteria, also known conversion disorder or hysterical neurosis, is characterized by the presence of physical symptoms without any underlying physical cause. It involves a change or loss in physical function of a particular part of the...
Hives and angioedema are similar in the fact, that, both the conditions result in welts. Hives appear and vanish in an irregular fashion and are raised wheals, resulting in itching. They appear in various sizes and are also referred to as...
Colon cancer is the cancer of the large intestine or colon, and rectal cancer is the cancer of last 8-10 inches of the large intestine, therefore, both these together are known as colorectal cancer. The beginning of colon cancer is benign growth...
Another type of cancer is mouth cancer, which is commonly known as oral cancer. Oral cancer involves any growth of cancerous tissue in mouth. Oral cancer is primary or secondary, that is it has originated elsewhere and metastasis in the mouth....
There are 272 articles listed in Diseases and Ailments