Eye Allergies Remedies

by Sam Malone

Are your eyes red? Do they tear often, itch or cause a burning sensation? If yes, then you need to pay close attention as you could have eye allergies better known as allergic conjunctivitis. This condition occurs when the tissue that lines the eyelid or conjunctiva gets inflamed due to an allergic reaction. These symptoms are usually accompanied by nasal allergy symptoms that include sniffling, sneezing and a stuffy nose. Mostly people treat the nasal allergy symptoms, but tend to ignore the eye allergy.


People who suffer from allergic diseases like asthma, eczema, and hay fever are more prone to allergic conjunctivitis. It is caused when allergic triggers affect your body causing it to react. Common allergens that you should stay away from are animal dander or pet hair, cigarette smoke, contact lenses and lens solution, cosmetics, diesel exhaust, dust mites, molds, perfumes, and pollen from grass, trees, and weeds. Ones that affect your eyes the most out of these are diesel exhaust, cigarette smoke, and perfumes. Allergens cause your eye to release histamine that in turn makes your eye swell, become watery, and turn red.


The symptoms of eye allergies are usually seasonal when allergens are floating around and could include the following:

  • Swollen eyes
  • Red eyes
  • Puffy eyes, more so in the morning
  • Itchy eyes or a burning sensation
  • Eyes watering excessively
  • Stringy eye discharge
  • Vessels in the clear tissue covering the white portion of the eye could be dilated


The best treatment for an eye allergy is to try to avoid being exposed to the allergen, but as this is not always possible, there some other simple methods.

  • The simplest home remedy is to rinse your eyes repeatedly with cold water, and then to wipe it gently with a soft tissue.
  • To relieve your eye from any discomfort apply a cold compress on your eyes, one eye at a time. Make sure that you use different, clean compresses for each eye. This helps treat your allergy.
  • Rose water is another natural remedy that has been used through the ages. Use 3 to 4 drops of rose water in both your eyes. Shut your eyes for around 5 minutes so that its full effects can take place.
  • Another home remedy that is used by many people is to drink the mixture of powdered Indian gooseberries and honey before you go to bed. This helps strengthen your immune system and keeps allergies away.
  • If home remedies do not work, your doctor can help you by prescribing suitable medication that will help you cure the infection. Treatment plans may include an antihistamine that needs to be taken orally or an anti-inflammatory eye drops that will need to be poured directly into our eye. In certain cases your doctor may recommend that you use eye drops along with an antihistamine. In case of a severe eye infection, your doctor may recommend mild eye steroids that you will be required to apply directly on the surface of your eye.
  • Some people use homeopathic methods as well to help ease eye allergies. A tablespoon of Mercor 1M, a homeopathic powder, should be used once a month. Do check with your homeopathic doctor before taking the medication.

Tips to Avoid Eye Allergies

Here are a few tips that should help you avoid eye allergies:

  • Keep your surrounding clean and avoid letting dust or dirt accumulate.
  • When your eye starts itching, do not rub or squeeze your eyes, but splash some cold water on them to feel some relief.
  • Always wear a pair of sunglasses when you are going outside.
  • Limit your time in front of the TV and computer to 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Avoid using your contact lenses as they can worsen the problem; instead use your glasses till your eyes are better.
  • Close your windows and stay indoors mid-morning and early evenings as this is when pollen counts are at their highest.
  • Cover your pillows with allergen-impermeable covers to keep the dust mites at bay. Wash your bed linen regularly. Change your mattress regularly; older mattresses are breeding grounds for allergens.
  • While cleaning your house, use a wet mop instead of a broom as allergens tend to fly more with a broom. Use blinds instead of a curtain.
  • Maintain humidity at 50% to avoid the growth of mold inside your home.
  • If the reason for your allergy is your pet, do not allow them to share your bed as it could aggravate your allergy. Cats and certain breeds of dogs tend to shed more hair so in that case keep them outside as much as you can.
  • Maintain a healthy and balanced diet and include all the essential nutrients into your daily diet plan.
  • Make sure that you read in a well-lit area so that you avoid straining your eyes too much.


  1. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001031.htm
  2. http://www.cdc.gov/conjunctivitis/about/treatment.html

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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